Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2016


Linda Jo Rizzo, Singer & Entertainer. Linda was a member of the 80´s Pop Group "The Flirts".

Friendship and Relationships in Life

This is an interesting subject and very individual because we each have different needs and expectations. I guess in my line of work the most important thing in friendship or a relationship is freedom and to be accepted for who I am. As an artist for more than 30 years I lead sort of a double life. The “stage” life is glamour, excitement, travel, meeting many people but never having time to get close. In my private life I like simplicity, relax, good food, cozy home and my kids.

In my life I have had maybe only a few REAL friends who I can say I truly trust and could open up to without any fear of being hurt. A real friend can look at your soul and deepest secrets and never judge you. A real friend is there for better or worse, almost like the words we say when we marry. A real friend can be far away but when you meet again it feels like yesterday. A real friend sets no rules, has no expectations, feels no envy or jealousy. A real friend is happy for you when you are happy.

Your lover or mate should first be your friend. In friendship you can laugh, cry, get angry, feel joy, basically just be free to be who you are. That is what friendship is to me. That is what a relationship is to me. That is why I am not in one now, although I have tried a few. My greatest fear or problem in a relationship or friendship is feeling closed in and having to be someone I am not. I always think of the old story of the emperor and the nightingale. The nightingale sang each day by the window of the palace. The emperor had him captured and put in a cage so he could sing for him forever. But when captured the bird slowly lost his feathers, his shine and his voice. When set free again he recovered and returned every day to the window of the palace to sing for the emperor.

Coming from NY I am very open and spontaneous with people. I love people. I love the energy. I love positive people. I only really started to have some real friends here in Germany now that I am a bit older. In the beginning years of my career I did so much traveling that there was no time to build a friendship. My only “friends” were other musicians and artists. Normal people work during the week and meet on the weekends with friends. We artists meet during the week and gig on the weekend. So friendships are not easy. We are different from the norm. We are more sensitive but simple. Friendship or a relationship should be relaxing, fulfilling and just plain GOOD feelings. A friend or mate should light up your life like sunshine on a cloudy day. Stay away from the grey people who just fill your sky with clouds.

I always believe in Live and Let Live. Friendship is caring, giving, sharing, feeling joy, helping, comforting, healing….it is so much. You don’t need many in life, just a few real ones. They are worth a million!!!!


L. J. Rizzo